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Auto Accidents Chiropractic in Chino Hills

young man holding neck in pain after car wreckBeing in a car accident is traumatic, both physically and emotionally. It can be difficult to know what to do and how to get the care you need–or even if you need care. At Mansour Chiropractic, we’ve been treating car accident patients for decades, and we are here to provide you the care you need to heal, as well as the support you need to navigate the process.

We have great relationships with many attorneys and we are experts at providing the documentation they need. If you don’t have an attorney, we will refer you to one we trust. We typically also refer out to an orthopedist and a neurologist, as well as for MRIs, so we can properly diagnose, document, and treat your injuries.


Why Is Chiropractic Care Important After a Car Accident?

In almost every car accident, even minor “fender benders,” ligament damage occurs. While this damage may not result in immediate pain, your body has still undergone trauma and attempts to heal it the best way it can. This involves building scar tissue, which can cause restriction in the joints as well as pain and problems later on.

We do specific ligament damage testing to locate and assess the extent of your injuries. We have extensive training in spine trauma and are uniquely qualified to address ligament and spinal damage caused by automobile accidents. When you seek chiropractic care soon after your accident, your ligaments can heal properly, allowing your joints and nerves to continue to function as they should.

We utilize static motion-study X-rays to identify trauma, and we partner with a radiology group who specializes in identifying ligament damage as a result of trauma.

What Happens If I Wait?

The longer you wait to treat accident injuries, the greater the chance of serious issues in the future. Many chronic conditions such as headaches, neck pain, insomnia and neuropathy can be traced back to old ligament damage that was never addressed properly.


Does your office work with insurance companies?

Yes! We’re happy to accept a variety of insurances, and if you’re unsure of benefits, we’ll do our best to verify them on your behalf.

Do you take x-rays?

Yes, when necessary, we will take x-rays to help pinpoint the exact cause of your pain points.

How long does the initial appointment take?

Usually about half an hour to forty-five minutes. This depends on the needs of each patient. We always do our best to give the patient ample time to ask any questions they may have.

Do you bill insurance directly?

Yes, whenever possible, we will bill insurance directly.

Do you recommend any treatments other than chiropractic care and are these services offered in your clinic?

Yes, we’re proud to offer a variety of additional natural health modalities in the practice. Most are offered in house, while others may be at outside facilities.

What sort of injuries can happen in an accident?

The most common injuries we see in the practice for auto accident victims are neck injuries, but any part of the body can be injured depending on the mechanism of the accident. It’s always important to get checked by a chiropractor as soon as possible after an accident.

Get Care Today

If you’ve been in a car accident, contact us today to get started with care.


Auto Accidents Chiropractic Chino Hills, Pomona, Diamond Bar, Chino CA | (909) 393-4545